If you were wondering, Pushing Through The Seasons is an album by Mashlin, although I didn't listen to that on my run today since I'm out to discover some new music and Mashlin is not that. I thought it was appropriate though, since the run I was just on was just trying to push through so I could turn around, slog through a couple more miles (10? 5? a million? does it really matter at this point?) so I could get home, take a nice hot shower and be warm. Yesterday, it snowed for the first time in a while. By the time I left work at the capitol it was raining. By the time I left Tom Reid's Hockey City Pub for the Wild game, it was raining harder and freezing, which continued throughout the game and must have continued throughout the night, plus a little more snow. So when I got up this morning it was more rain than ice, and more ice than snow out there. Oh yeah, and it was still raining.
So I did an hour and a half, which was only 10 miles today. That kind of sucks. Oh yeah, and I almost fell off a highway overpass. It was the same one I complained about a while ago. When they plow the snow off the road they plow it onto the sidewalk that also crosses the bridge so there ya go. Stay classy, Edina. The two records I listened to today were "Feel the Sound" by Imperial Teen and "Walk It Off" by Tapes n' Tapes. Imperial Teen I'm not a fan of at all, at least not that album anyway. My take is that they try to sound pop- ish but miss the mark in the majority of their songs. They try to rhyme everything in their songs which gets ridiculously annoying. Its like, you know when you had to write poetry in 5th grade and were convinced poetry was making every line rhyme? Thats what Feel the Sound Sounds like FOR 40 MINUTES STRAIGHT.
Walk it Off is good music. There was a girl one of my education classes the other year who was a huge Tapes n' Tapes fan. I didn't listen to them then, but she knew what was good for her. I just downloaded all three albums from them, but this is the first one I decided to listen to, so sue me. Walk it Off is great because its like a thousand bands on one CD. First its rock, then its alternative, then its melodic, then its folk- y but it all sounds great and it mixes together really well. I'm kind of surprised these guys haven't made the mainstream yet, Walk it Off is just a masterful album.
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