Monday, May 21, 2012

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"-- Lao-tzu. "A journey of 1534.2 miles begins with 8 miles easy"-- Matt Ellenberger

And so it begins. Thats a song too. Actually its a lyric to a song. Its probably a lyric to a lot of songs, but the song I'm thinking of is called "Countdown" by Jupiter One. Its a brand new day and you shouldn't be fading away. Thats a lyric too. Anyways, we're inside 20 weeks to the Twin Cities Marathon, so yeah. 20 miles is a long time to be training, I realize that, but its a really structured program, plus I'm running less miles per week than I have in the past, so I'll put my money on it that things turn out better.

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